Howe Gelb - Ogle Some Piano

Ogle Some Piano


  • 1 Spangle Bib of Radiant Value 10:33
  • 2 Mentioning the Lint That Thrills and Filling the Pockets With Momentum 0:45
  • 3 Re-Envision Stream Block and Then Fumble 3:58
  • 4 Hammered and Hampered, We Then Took the Deeds Down by the Dozen 1:15
  • 5 A Memento Was Slid in Between the Actual House of Cards so As to Maybe Remain 5:21
  • 6 Splendid in a Way and Especially Unseething in Its Most Popular Format 2:43
  • 7 Notification Was Lost in the Mail and That Turned Out to Be a Good Thing 1:40
  • 8 Espresso Spills Specifically On the Italian Truck Stop Tie, and for a Moment, Aids in Its Redesign 1:39
  • 9 So Long As the Essential Tinge Remains Intact and Unfiltered, Then It Can Be Over Exemplified 1:48
  • 10 Before the Tenant They Sat With Popcorn and Hunch 1:29
  • 11 Drink Ticket Trinket 0:56
  • 12 Ogle 1:06
  • 13 Especially After Having Leaned on the Crutch Prior to In-FlightEntertainment 1:28
  • 14 Hokum Bigboy Was Probably Not His Given Name, But Just to Make Certain We Reaffiliated 7:16
  • 15 Once There Was a Way to Determine the Source of the Crumpled 3:22
  • 16 Someday They Will Have a Name for What Ails You As Opposed to Being Saddled With Speck Elation 0:56
  • 17 Ascending to a Pagan Right Was Without a Doubt Looming Behind the Hipster Slouch 1:25
  • 18 Once I Followed the Field Path Down to the Gully and Careened There in the Shimmer of Simpatico Churning Like Kumquat Rapids of Froth and Green Simmer. I Could Almost Smell the Sip of Purpose 2:33
  • 19 Plentiful the Wife and Beautiful the Aforementioned Too 1:09

Průměr hodnocení

65.00 %
7 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

60 %
70 %

Vydavatelství: OW OM Records  

Typ alba: řadové album

Rok vydání: 2004


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