Jesus Jones - Never Enough: The Best of Jesus Jones

Never Enough: The Best of Jesus Jones


  • Never Enough
  • "Info Freako" - 2:49
  • "Never Enough" - 2:41
  • "Bring it on Down" - 2:37
  • "Move Mountains" (Dave Chapman 7" Mix) - 3:21 (This was only released originally as a live single)
  • "All the Answers" - 3:48 (Not a single originally, instead an album track on Liquidizer)
  • "Real, Real, Real" (7" Mix Rhythm) - 3:06
  • "International Bright Young Thing" - 3:17
  • "Who, Where, Why?" (7" Crisis Mix) - 3:08 (The original album version on Doubt was not the single, instead the Crisis Mix was)
  • "Right Here, Right Now" - 3:09
  • "Blissed" - 4:49 (Not a single originally, instead an album track on Doubt)
  • "The Devil You Know" - 3:48
  • "Zeroes and Heroes" - 3:24
  • "The Right Decision" - 3:37
  • "Idiot Stare" (Not a single originally, instead an album track on Perverse)
  • "The Next Big Thing" - 4:03
  • "Chemical #1" - 3:26
  • "They're Out There" - 4:02 (Not a single originally, instead an album track on Already)
  • "February" - 6:42 (Not a single originally, instead an album track on Already)
  • "Come on Home" - 3:53 (Previously unreleased. Also released as a promotional single in 2002)
  • [edit] Disc two (Bonus disc)
  • "Info Sicko" - 4:50
  • "Enough" - 3:22 (Sometimes subtitled "Never Enough")
  • "Beat it Down" - 4:23
  • "Move Mountains" (Ben Chapman Mix) - 5:04 (7" Mix on Disc One)
  • "Right Here Right Now" (The Martyn Philips Mix) - 5:47
  • "Real Real Real" (Paul Harding "Luxury" 12" MIx) - 7:00 (Originally a 12" single)
  • "Ibyt" - 5:48
  • "Who? Where? Why?" (12 Foot Mix) - 5:25
  • "The Devil You Know" (Satellite Over Tehran Mix) - 5:42
  • "The Right Decision" (Moody Reconstruction Mix) - 6:38
  • "Zeroes and Heroes" (The Prodigy vs. Jesus Jones) - 5:43 (The "vs." subtitle is given on the album and on the original 1993 version on Zeroes and Heroes. This is actually the name of the artist though, with "Zeroes and Heroes" being the song title alone)
  • "Zeroes and Heroes" (Aphex Twin Reconstruction #1 Mix) - 8:00

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Vydavatelství: EMI  

Typ alba: řadové album

Rok vydání: 2002


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