R.E.M. - Live at The Olympia

Live at The Olympia


  • Disc one
  • "Living Well Is the Best Revenge" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, Stipe) – 4:07
  • "Second Guessing" (from Reckoning) – 2:58
  • "Letter Never Sent" (from Reckoning) – 3:51
  • "Staring Down the Barrel of the Middle Distance" (Previously unreleased) (Buck, Mills, Stipe) – 4:11
  • "Disturbance at the Heron House" (from Document) – 3:41
  • "Mr. Richards" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, Stipe) – 4:17
  • "Houston" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 1:54
  • "New Test Leper" (from New Adventures in Hi-Fi) – 5:26
  • "Cuyahoga" (from Lifes Rich Pageant) – 4:22
  • "Electrolite" (from New Adventures in Hi-Fi) – 4:03
  • "Man-Sized Wreath" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 3:09
  • "So. Central Rain" (from Reckoning) – 3:44
  • "On the Fly" (Previously unreleased) (Buck, Mills, Stipe) – 5:01
  • "Maps and Legends" (from Fables of the Reconstruction) – 3:10
  • "Sitting Still" (from Murmur) – 3:42
  • "Driver 8" (from Fables of the Reconstruction) – 3:44
  • "Horse to Water" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 2:45
  • "I'm Gonna DJ" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 2:16
  • "Circus Envy" (from Monster) – 4:27
  • "These Days" (from Lifes Rich Pageant) – 4:53
  • Disc two
  • "Drive" (from Automatic for the People) – 4:49
  • "Feeling Gravitys Pull" (from Fables of the Reconstruction) – 5:10
  • "Until the Day Is Done" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 4:07
  • "Accelerate" (from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 3:35
  • "Auctioneer (Another Engine)" (from Fables of the Reconstruction) – 3:38
  • "Little America" (from Reckoning) – 3:11
  • "1,000,000" (from Chronic Town) – 3:28
  • "Disguised" (early version of "Supernatural Superserious" from Accelerate) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 3:20
  • "The Worst Joke Ever" (from Around the Sun) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 3:42
  • "Welcome to the Occupation" (from Document) – 2:47
  • "Carnival of Sorts (Boxcars) (from Chronic Town) – 4:09
  • "Harborcoat" (from Reckoning) – 4:16
  • "Wolves, Lower" (from Chronic Town) – 4:33
  • "I've Been High" (from Reveal) (Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 3:40
  • "Kohoutek" (from Fables of the Reconstruction) – 4:12
  • "West of the Fields" (from Murmur) (Jerry Ayers, Berry, Buck, Mills, and Stipe) – 4:13
  • "Pretty Persuasion" (from Reckoning) – 4:23
  • "Romance" (from Eponymous) – 3:31
  • "Gardening at Night" (from Chronic Town) – 4:16

Průměr hodnocení

85.00 %
9 1 10 6
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

70 %
80 %

90 %
90 %

90 %
90 %

Vydavatelství: Warner Bros. Records  

Typ alba: živé album

Rok vydání: 2009


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