Roxy Music - Live



  • Disc one
  • 01. "Re-Make/Re-Model" (2001-07–29th; Pine Knob, Detroit) (04:28)
  • 02. "Street Life" (2001-09–19th; Sporthalle, Hamburg) (02:28)
  • 03. "Ladytron" (2001-09–24th; Forum, Milan) (05:02)
  • 04. "While my Heart is Still Beating" (2001-09–29th; S.E.C.C., Glasgow) (04:50)
  • 05. "Out of the Blue" (2001-09–28th; E.N. Arena, Manchester) (04:21)
  • 06. "A Song for Europe" (2001-08–19th; Ent. Centre, Perth) (08:09)
  • 07. "My Only Love" (2001-09–22nd; Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart) (08:25)
  • 08. "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" (2001-09–14th; Sportspaleis, Antwerp) (06:18)
  • 09. "Oh Yeah" (2001-07–29th; Pine Knob, Detroit) (04:21)
  • 10. "Both Ends Burning" (2001-09–24th; Forum, Milan) (06:06)
  • 11. "Tara" (2001-07–16th; Air Canada Centre, Toronto) (03:27)
  • Disc two
  • 01. "More than This" (2001-09–07th; Int. Forum, Tokyo) (03:55)
  • 02. "If There Is Something" (2001-06–17th; N.E.C., Birmingham) (05:54)
  • 03. "Mother of Pearl" (2001-09–26th; Gasometer, Vienna) (06:10)
  • 04. "Avalon" (2001-10–02nd; Apollo, London) (04:20)
  • 05. "Dance Away" (2001-08–17th; Ent. Centre, Adelaide) (03:51)
  • 06. "Jealous Guy" (2001-06–17th; N.E.C., Birmingham) (05:25)
  • 07. "Editions of You" (2001-08–19th; Ent. Centre, Perth) (03:47)
  • 08. "Virginia Plain" (2001-09–22nd; Schleyerhalle, Stuttgart) (03:01)
  • 09. "Love Is the Drug" (2001-08–19th; Ent. Centre, Perth) (03:48)
  • 10. "Do the Strand" (2001-08–03rd; G.M.P., Vancouver) (03:50)
  • 11. "For Your Pleasure" (2001-08–17th; Ent. Centre, Adelaide) (06:41)

Průměr hodnocení

75.00 %
8 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

70 %
80 %

Vydavatelství: Eagle Records  

Typ alba: živé album

Rok vydání: 2003


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