Burt Bacharach - Casino Royale

- 01. Casino Royale Theme (Main Titles) (02:34)
- 02. The Look of Love (04:00)
- 03. Money Penny Goes for Broke (02:30)
- 04. Le Chiffre's Torture of the Mind (02:08)
- 05. Home James, Don't Spare the Horses (01:28)
- 06. Sir James' Trip to Find Mata (03:46)
- 07. The Look of Love (inst.) (02:40)
- 08. Hi There Miss Goodthighs (01:12)
- 09. Little French Boy (02:22)
- 10. Flying Saucer-First Stop Berlin (02:52)
- 11. The Venerable Sir James Bond (02:50)
- 12. Dream on James, You're Winning (01:15)
- 13. The Big Cowboys and Indians Fight at Casino Royale - Casino Royale Theme (reprise) (04:50)
- 2011 (2015) Verze:
- 01. Casino Royale Theme (Main Title) (02:38)
- 02. The Venerable Sir James Bond (02:32)
- 03. Agent Mimi (01:35)
- 04. Little French Boy (02:25)
- 05. Money Penny Goes For Broke (01:38)
- 06. The Look Of Love (Instrumental) (02:48)
- 07. The Look Of Love (04:10)
- 08. The Indian Temple* (00:52)
- 09. Sir James’ Trip To Find Mata (02:15)
- 10. First Stop Berlin (01:55)
- 11. Home James, Don't Spare the Horses (01:31)
- 12. Hi There Miss Goodthighs (01:16)
- 13. Dream On, James, You're Winning (01:18)
- 14. Le Chiffre’s Torture of Mind (02:12)
- 15. Flying Saucer (01:06)
- 16. The Big Cowboys and Indians Fight at Casino Royale /
- End Credits (vocal version) (05:11)
- 17. Keystone Kops* (00:11)
- 18. Casino Royale Theme (Main Title) (02:37)
- 19. The Look of Love (04:07)
- 20. Money Penny Goes for Broke (01:39)
- 21. Le Chiffre's Torture of the Mind (02:12)
- 22. Home James, Don’t Spare The Horses (01:31)
- 23. Sir James’ Trip to Find Mata (03:48)
- 24. The Look of Love (Instrumental) (02:46)
- 25. Hi There Miss Goodthighs (01:16)
- 26. Little French Boy (02:24)
- 27. Flying Saucer – First Stop Berlin (02:58)
- 28. The Venerable Sir James Bond (02:31)
- 29. Dream On, James, You’re Winning (01:18)
- 30. The Big Cowboys and Indians Fight at Casino Royale /
- Casino Royale Theme (04:49)
- 2017 Verze:
- 01. Casino Royale (Main Title) (02:38)
- 02. The Look of Love (04:11)
- 03. Moneypenny Goes for Broke (01:39)
- 04. Le Chiffre’s Torture of Mind (02:14)
- 05. Home James, Don’t Spare the Horses (01:33)
- 06. Sir James’ Trip to Find Mata (03:50)
- 07. The Look of Love (Instrumental) (02:50)
- 08. Hi There Miss Goodthighs (01:18)
- 09. Little French Boy (02:26)
- 10. Flying Saucer / First Stop Berlin (03:00)
- 11. The Venerable Sir James Bond (02:33)
- 12. Dream on James, You’re Winning (01:20)
- 13. The Big Cowboys and Indians Fight at Casino Royale / Casino Royale Theme (Reprise) (04:54)
- 14. Casino Royale (Main Title) (02:39)
- 15. Opening Cars Converging / To the Bond Chateau (01:55)
- 16. The Black Rose (00:34)
- 17. James Bond in Scotland (00:47)
- 18. The Widow Duty of Lady Fiona / Wassail (03:42)
- 19. The Grouse Shoot (00:34)
- 20. Mimi’s Lament (01:32)
- 21. Gymnasium Training (01:48)
- 22. The Look of Love (Film Version) (03:48)
- 23. Proposals, Super 8 and Costumes (00:47)
- 24. Sir James’ Trip to Find Mata / Temple Dance (03:17)
- 25. Sitar Background (02:30)
- 26. Old Berlin House / Mata Hari School for Spies (02:44)
- 27. Bond Arrival in France (00:48)
- 28. Vesper in the Shower (00:45)
- 29. Le Chiffre’s Magic Act (00:58)
- 30. Vesper’s Kidnapping (00:47)
- 31. End of Torture Sequence (00:28)
- 32. Fight in Casino Manager’s Office / Dr. Noah’s Headquarters / The LSD Room (02:40)
- 33. The Big Fight at Casino Royale (Film Version) (04:34)
- 34. Seven Bonds in Heaven / End Title (Have No Fear Bond Is Here) (02:25)
- 35. Have No Fear Bond Is Here (Single Version) (02:37)
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20.08.2018 - 10:25 | vishnar
Na jedné straně je slavná série s agentem 007, na straně druhé jsou i filmy, které sice Bonda obsahují, ale do série se nepočítají. Je to Never Say Never Again a také starší kousek Casino Royale z roku 1967. Už jen to obsazení snů i v menších rolích - Niven, Seller, Belmondo, Andress, Bouchet, Allen, Holden, Huston, Wells, Bisset a další. O hudbu se postaral skladatel Burt Bacharach a jestli má něco takový ten poctivý šedesátkový "feeling" (hezké české slovíčko), tak je to hudba právě k tomuto filmu. Střídá se zde několik ústředních melodií, z nichž některé jsou klasiky. Slyšel jsem verzi z roku 2011.