Howard Shore / Filharmonici města Prahy - The Complete Hobbit & Lord Of The Rings Film Music Collection

The Complete Hobbit & Lord Of The Rings Film Music Collection


  • CD1
  • 01. Old Friends (An Unexpected Journey) (05:07)
  • 02. Misty Mountains (An Unexpected Journey) (02:32)
  • 03. Over Hill (An Unexpected Journey) (03:20)
  • 04. A Thunder Battle (An Unexpected Journey) (03:38)
  • 05. Dreaming of Bag End (An Unexpected Journey) (01:45)
  • 06. Song of the Lonely Mountain (An Unexpected Journey) (03:45)
  • 07. The Quest for Erebor (The Desolation of Smaug) (03:18)
  • 08. Feast of Starlight (The Desolation of Smaug) (02:46)
  • 09. Protector of the Common Folk (The Desolation of Smaug) (03:30)
  • 10. Kingsfoil (The Desolation of Smaug) (02:23)
  • 11. I See Fire (The Desolation of Smaug) (03:39)
  • 12. Sons of Durin (The Battle of the Five Armies) (04:26)
  • 13. Courage and Wisdom (The Battle of the Five Armies) (05:10)
  • 14. There and Back Again (The Battle of the Five Armies) (04:19)
  • 15. Ironfoot (The Battle of the Five Armies) (06:07)
  • 16. The Last Goodbye (The Battle of the Five Armies) (04:30)
  • CD2
  • 01. The Prophecy (The Fellowship of the Ring ) (05:02)
  • 02. Concerning Hobbits (The Fellowship of the Ring ) (02:45)
  • 03. The Shadow of the Past / A Knife in the Dark (FOTR) (07:27)
  • 04. The Bridge of Khazad Dum (The Fellowship of the Ring ) (05:58)
  • 05. The Fellowship (The Fellowship of the Ring ) (05:53)
  • 06. May It Be (The Fellowship of the Ring ) (05:20)
  • 07. The Riders of Rohan (The Two Towers) (03:53)
  • 08. Evenstar (The Two Towers) (03:39)
  • 09. Forth Eorlingas / Isengard Unleashed (The Two Towers) (08:31)
  • 10. Gollum’s Song (The Two Towers) (05:49)
  • 11. Hope and Memory / Minas Tirith (The Return of the King) (02:39)
  • 12. The White Tree (The Return of the King) (03:48)
  • 13. Twilight and Shadow (The Return of the King) (03:54)
  • 14. The Fields of Pelennor (The Return of the King) (03:13)
  • 15. The Return of the King (The Return of the King) (16:17)
  • 16. Into the West (The Return of the King) (04:40)

Průměr hodnocení

65.00 %
7 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

70 %
60 %

Vydavatelství: Silva Screen Records  

Typ alba: kompilace

Rok vydání: 2015


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