The Fugs - It Crawled into My Hand, Honest

- Side A
- Crystal Liaison [3:17]
- Ramses II Is Dead, My Love [2:55]
- Burial Waltz [2:31]
- Wide, Wide River [2:58]
- Life Is Strange [2:40]
- Side B
- Johnny Pissoff Meets the Red Angel [4:45]
- Marijuana [1:43]
- Leprechaun [0:15]
- When the Mode of the Music Changes [3:59]
- Whimpers From the Jello [0:24]
- Divine Toe, Pt. 1 [0:42]
- We're Both Dead Now, Alice [0:18]
- Life Is Funny [0:17]
- Grope Need, Pt. 1/Tuli, Visited By the Ghost of Plotinus/More Grope Need [0:43]
- Robinson Crusoe [0:21]
- Claude Pelieu and J.J. Lebel Discuss the Early Verlaine Bread Crust Fragments [4:41]
- National Haiku Contest [0:28]
- Divine Toe, Pt. 2 [0:52]
- Irene [1:14]
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