

Thrash metal,Heavy metal

Žánr: Thrash metal Heavy metal

Web: http://testamentlegions.com

LastFM: http://www.last.fm/music/Testament

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/testamentlegions

Alex Skolnick,Artension,Atrocity,Autopsy,Benediction,Bizarro,Brujeria,Brutal Assault 14,Brutal Assault 18,Brutal Assault 24,Cancer,Cans,Catalepsy,Chaotic Realm,Charred Walls of the Damned,Control Denied,Cradle of Filth,Daemon,Dark Angel,Dark Hall,Dave Lombardo & Friends,Death,Dethklok,Dimmu Borgir,Disincarnate,DJ Spooky vs. Dave Lombardo,Dragonlord,Dublin Death Patrol,Earthshaker 2003,Evildead,Exodus,Fantomas,Forbidden,Futures End,Gene Hoglan,Graspop Metal Meeting 2023,Grip Inc.,Havochate,Hell's Kitchen,Hellfest 2023,Helmet,Iced Earth,Just Cause,Killing Machine,Konkhra,LD/50,Leaves' Eyes,Lock Up,Lorenzo Arruga,Machine Head,Masters of Rock 2016,Masters of Rock 2022,Mechanism,Meldrum,Metalfest 2023,Monolith,Mystic Festival 2023,Nevermore,Nova Rock 2019,Obituary,Old Man's Child,Painmuseum,Phantasm,Pitch Black Forecast,Punchdrunk,Roadrunner United,Sadus,Savatage,Scariot,Slayer,Soen,Strapping Young Lad,Suicide Shift,Summer Breeze Brasil 2023,Sweden Rock Festival 2023,Systematic,Temple of Brutality,Tenet,Terror,Testament,The Cult,The Fantômas Melvins Big Band,The Metal Fest Chile 2023,The Metal Fest Ekvádor 2023,USA,Verbal Abuse,Vicious Rumors,Voodoocult,Wacken 2016,Wargod,White Zombie,Zimmer's Hole

Tagy: Alex Skolnick Artension Atrocity Autopsy Benediction Bizarro Brujeria Brutal Assault 14 Brutal Assault 18 Brutal Assault 24 Cancer Cans Catalepsy Chaotic Realm Charred Walls of the Damned Control Denied Cradle of Filth Daemon Dark Angel Dark Hall Dave Lombardo & Friends Death Dethklok Dimmu Borgir Disincarnate DJ Spooky vs. Dave Lombardo Dragonlord Dublin Death Patrol Earthshaker 2003 Evildead Exodus Fantomas Forbidden Futures End Gene Hoglan Graspop Metal Meeting 2023 Grip Inc. Havochate Hell's Kitchen Hellfest 2023 Helmet Iced Earth Just Cause Killing Machine Konkhra LD/50 Leaves' Eyes Lock Up Lorenzo Arruga Machine Head Masters of Rock 2016 Masters of Rock 2022 Mechanism Meldrum Metalfest 2023 Monolith Mystic Festival 2023 Nevermore Nova Rock 2019 Obituary Old Man's Child Painmuseum Phantasm Pitch Black Forecast Punchdrunk Roadrunner United Sadus Savatage Scariot Slayer Soen Strapping Young Lad Suicide Shift Summer Breeze Brasil 2023 Sweden Rock Festival 2023 Systematic Temple of Brutality Tenet Terror Testament The Cult The Fantômas Melvins Big Band The Metal Fest Chile 2023 The Metal Fest Ekvádor 2023 USA Verbal Abuse Vicious Rumors Voodoocult Wacken 2016 Wargod White Zombie Zimmer's Hole


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