Shigeaki Saegusa - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Special

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Special


  • CD1
  • 01. Zeta - Transcending Time (Mami Ayakawa) (1:33)
  • 02. The Black Gundam: a) Subtitle 1 b) Gryps Infiltration c) Gundam MK-2 d) Chase (3:04)
  • 03. Boy From Green Noa: a) New World b) Kamille Bidan c) Separation (4:18)
  • 04. Journey: a) Resonance b) Call of Space c) Gundam Starting d) The Return of Amuro (4:55)
  • 05. AEUG: a) The People of AEUG b) Argama c) Base d) Voyage of Destiny (5:12)
  • 06. In the Capsule: a) Basque's Plot b) Mystery Capsule c) Death d) Funeral Song (5:24)
  • 07. Pursuer: a) Battleship Alexandria b) Facilitating Complement Argama c) Raid (3:37)
  • 08. Mobile Suit Combat: a) Mobilization b) Enemy Onslaught c) Engagement d) End of the Battle (4:27)
  • 09. Tension a) Impatience b) Tense 1 c) Kamille and Jerid d) Tense 2 e) Enemy Shadow f) Eyecatch (3:08)
  • 10. Anguish: a) Colony Ruins b) White Hearts c) Lila And Jerid (2:55)
  • 11. Titans: a) Space Battleship b) Depart c) Challenge (3:26)
  • 12. Battle Fleet (4:33)
  • 13. Reunion: a) Peace b) Bright Noa (3:22)
  • 14. Bridge Collection 1: a~j (3:47)
  • 15. To The Earth: a) Centralized Fleet b) Into the Gravity Well c) Drop (3:29)
  • 16. 4Amuro Again: a) Amuro Ray b) Memories of Lallah c) Beltolchika Irma (4:01)
  • 17. Cinderella Four (3:20)
  • 18. Escape: a) Four's Determination b) Escape (3:22)
  • 19. Silver Dress (Hiroko Moriguchi) (4:00)
  • 20. Trailer Music (0:31)
  • CD2
  • 01. From the Aqueous Star with Love (Hiroko Moriguchi) (1:56)
  • 02. Heartbeat of Z: a) Z-Gundam b) Z, Combat (3:39)
  • 03. Lunar City: a) Sailing b) Kamille's Holiday c) Longing (3:49)
  • 04. Counterattack: a) The Death of Brigadier General Blex b) Char's Suffering (2:31)
  • 05. Half Moon Love: a) Prelude b) Subtitle 2 c) Von Braun City d) Sign e) Sympathetic f) Kamille And Sarah (4:58)
  • 06. Battlespace: a) Looming b) Alert c) Raid (4:08)
  • 07. Messenger from Axis: a) Pressure b) Mobile Suit Mystery c) Ghost of Zeon (3:22)
  • 08. Shinta and Qumu: a) Time and Children b) Momentary Peace c) Melee (4:20)
  • 09. Bridge Collection 2: a~f (1:43)
  • 10. Storm Over Kilimanjaro: a) Yazan Team Ready to Sortie b) Karaba March c) Breaking Anti-Aircraft Fire (3:03)
  • 11. Infiltration: a) Titans Base b) Wave c) Four's Suffering (3:39)
  • 12. Forever Four: a) Char's Advice b) Four Murasame c) In the Snow (4:50)
  • 13. The Man from Jupiter: a) Dogos Gea b) Paptimus Scirocco c) Ambition (3:16)
  • 14. Lakeside: a) Space Colony b) Morgarten Landscape c) The Carriage is Shaking d) Rosamia's Love (4:49)
  • 15. The Strengthening of Human Destiny (2:50)
  • 16. Sara's Death: a) Scirocco And Sara b) Sorrow (4:24)
  • 17. The Final Battle: a) Gryps 2's Great Appearance b) Campaign c) Contact (2:54)
  • 18. Scattered Souls: a) Stunned b) Two Woman Warriors c) Between Life and Death (3:45)
  • 19. Running through Space: a) Haman's Broadcast b) Clash! c) Zeta Activates (5:08)
  • 20. Conclusion - From the Aqueous Star with Love (Instrumental) (1:51)
  • 21. Believe in the Starry Sky (Mami Ayukawa) (1:02)

Průměr hodnocení

55.00 %
6 1 10 2
Vaše hodnocení: žádné

Poslední hodnocení

50 %
60 %

Vydavatelství: King Records  

Typ alba: soundtrack

Rok vydání: 1989


13.03.2018 - 14:41  |  vishnar

Už je to tady. Hlavní trio soundtracků je za námi a začíná se s doplňkovou hudbou, dokud to bude fanoušky a posluchače bavit. Najdeme zde všechny melodie známé ze seriálu Zeta Gundam a nic nového. Zatím však písničky nejsou tak oposlouchané, takže stále kvalitní.


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