Iron Maiden - Edward the Great

Edward the Great


  • 1. "Run to the Hills" Steve Harris The Number of the Beast, 1982 3:55
  • 2. "The Number of the Beast" Harris The Number of the Beast 4:52
  • 3. "Flight of Icarus" Bruce Dickinson, Adrian Smith Piece of Mind, 1983 3:52
  • 4. "The Trooper" Harris Piece of Mind 4:11
  • 5. "2 Minutes to Midnight" Dickinson, Smith Powerslave, 1984 6:00
  • 6. "Wasted Years" Smith Somewhere in Time, 1986 5:06
  • 7. "Can I Play with Madness" Dickinson, Harris, Smith Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988 3:31
  • 8. "The Evil That Men Do" Dickinson, Harris, Smith Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 4:34
  • 9. "The Clairvoyant" Harris Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 4:27
  • 10. "Infinite Dreams" Harris Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 6:10
  • 11. "Holy Smoke" Dickinson, Harris No Prayer for the Dying, 1990 3:48
  • 12. "Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter" Dickinson No Prayer for the Dying 4:44
  • 13. "Man on the Edge" Blaze Bayley, Janick Gers The X Factor, 1995 4:12
  • 14. "Futureal" Bayley, Harris Virtual XI, 1998 2:55
  • 15. "The Wicker Man" Dickinson, Harris, Smith Brave New World, 2000 4:34
  • 16. "Fear of the Dark" (Live) Harris Rock in Rio, 2002 8:04

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Vydavatelství: EMI  

Typ alba: kompilace

Rok vydání: 2002


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